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Navigating Starbucks Partner Hour Changes: What You Need to Know

Starbucks Partner often adjusts partner (employee) hours to meet the changing demands of the business. Here's what you need to know about navigating these hour changes:

1. Communication: Starbucks typically communicates partner hour changes well in advance. Be sure to check your company email, the online portal, or any other communication channels your store uses. Starbucks values transparency in its communication with partners. 2. Open and Flexible Availability: To maximize your chances of getting the hours you want, it's important to keep your availability as open and flexible as possible. The more open you are to various shifts, the easier it is for your manager to schedule you. 3. Partnership with Your Manager: Maintain open and honest communication with your manager. If you have specific scheduling preferences or constraints (e.g., school, another job), discuss them with your manager. They may be able to accommodate your needs within reason. 4. Requesting Time Off: If you need time off during a period of hour changes, be sure to request it in advance following the company's time-off request process. The more notice you can provide, the better your chances of approval. 5. Utilize the Mobile App: Starbucks often uses a scheduling app for partner scheduling. Be sure to download and use this app for greater convenience in checking your schedule and requesting changes or time off. 6. Trade Shifts: If you can't work a particular shift due to hour changes, consider using Starbucks' system for trading shifts with other partners. This can help you adjust your schedule to better fit your availability. 7. Staying Informed: It's important to stay informed about any policy changes and updates regarding scheduling and hour changes. This can help you adapt to the changing needs of your store and the company. 8. Maintain a Positive Attitude: While hour changes can be challenging, maintaining a positive attitude and working collaboratively with your colleagues and managers can make the process smoother for everyone.

Remember that Starbucks places importance on the well-being and job satisfaction of its partners, so they typically strive to accommodate partner needs and preferences as best as they can while balancing the demands of the business. If you have specific questions or concerns about hour changes, it's always a good idea to reach out to your manager or the Starbucks Partner Resources team for guidance.

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